Peer-Reviewed Publications
J. J. Wray, S. T. Hansen, J. Dufek, G. A. Swayze, S. L. Murchie, F. P. Seelos, J. R. Skok, R. P. Irwin III,
and M. S. Ghiorso. “Infrared spectral evidence for felsic rocks on Mars.” In revision (5/2013).
Skok, J.R., Mustard, J.F., Tornabene, L.L, Pan, C., Rogers, D. and S.L. Murchie. (2012) A
Spectroscopic Analysis of Martian Crater Central Peaks: Formation of the Ancient Crust. J. Geophys. Res.117,E00J18, DOI:10.1029/2012JE004148.
Skok, J.R., J. F. Mustard, B. L. Ehlmann, R.E. Milliken, S. L. Murchie, (2010) Silica deposits in the
Nili Patera caldera on the Syrtis Major volcanic on Mars. Nat. Geo., 3, 838- 841, DOI:10.1038/NGEO990
Skok, J. R., J. F. Mustard, S. L. Murchie, M. B. Wyatt, and B. L. Ehlmann (2010) Spectrally distinct
ejecta in Syrtis Major, Mars: Evidence for environmental change at the Hesperian-Amazonian boundary, J. Geophys. Res., 115, E00D14, doi:10.1029/2009JE003338.
Abstracts and Conference Presentations
Skok, J.R. et al., Petrologic Implications of Martian Igneous Crustal Formation Based on Remote
Observations. LPSC 2013.
Wray, J.J. et al. and J.R. Skok, Infrared Spectral Identification of Unusually-Rich Rocks on Mars.
LPSC 2013.
Skok, J.R. and J.F. Mustard. Ancient Mars Crust Formation: Observations from Crater Central
Peaks. 3rd Conf. Early Mars, 2012.
Skok, J.R. et al. Martian Hot Springs? Silica deposits in the Nili Patera Caldera.
(Invited talk) P31G-03. AGU 2011.
Skok, J.R. et al. Composition of the Primary Crust of Mars: Observations of Deeply Excavated
Crater Central Peaks. P11A-1583. AGU 2011
Parente, M., Skok, J.R. and I. Baarstad. Simulating a Mars mission for the identification of samples
of high mineralogical interest using a portable imaging spectrometer. P33D-1784. 2011 AGU
Skok, J.R. et al. Volcanically Driven Hydrothermal Systems in Post‐Noachian Mars: Hotspots of
Habitability on a Changing Planet. Exploring Mars Habitability 2011
Skok, J.R. et al. Spectroscopic and Morphological Analysis of Alga Crater’s Central Peak:
Implications for Mars Primary Crust Formation. 42st LPSC 2011
Tornabene, L.L. et al. and J.R. Skok. High-resolution morphologic and spectral characteristics of
Crater-exposed Bedrock on Mars: Insights into the petrogenesis, stratigraphy and geologic history of the Martian crust. AGU 2010
Ehlmann, B.L. et al. and J.R. Skok. Impact Craters as Probes of the Ancient Martian Southern
Highlands: Insights on Aqueous Alteration. AGU 2011
Skok, J.R. et al. Crystalline Igneous Crust of Mars: New Insights from the Southern Highlands.
41st LPSC 2010
Tornabene, L.L., et al and Skok, J.R., A Crater-exposed Bedrock Database for Mars with
Applications for Determining the Composition and Structure of the Upper Crust, 41st LPSC 2010
Murchie, S.L. et al. and J.R. Skok. New results from the MRO/CRISM investigation.
38th CSOPAR 2010
Skok, J.R. et al. Silica Deposits in the Nili Patera Volcanic Caldera, Syrtis Major, Mars AGU 2009
Skok, J.R. et al. Identification of Primary Noachian Crustal Blocks on Mars with CRISM
Observations. 40th LPSC 2009
Skok, J.R. et al. CRISM-OMEGA Observations of Compositionally Distinct Crater Ejecta in the Syrtis
Major Region of Mars. AGU 2008
Skok, J.R. et al. Compositionally Distinct Ejecta Blankets in Syrtis Major: Implications for
Environmental Change. 39th LPSC 2008
Rask, J.C. et al and Skok, J. The Spaceward Bound Field Training Curriculum for Moon and Mars
Analog Environments. LEAG Workshop on Enabling Exploration: The Lunar Outpost and Beyond. 2007
Rask, J.C., et al. and Skok, J. The Spaceward Bound Field Training Curriculum for Moon and Mars
Analog Environments. 38th LPSC 2007
Bell, J.F., III et al. and Skok, J.R., High Spatial Resolution Visible Wavelength Orbital Multipectral
Imaging of Mars from the Mars Odyssey THEMIS-VIS Instrument. 37th LPSC 2006
John Roma (J.R.) Skok
I am currently employed as a postdoctoral researcher at Louisiana State University. My research focuses on the formation and evolution of volcanic and igneous systems. While I utilize a variety of datasets in my research, my expertise is with near-infrared spectroscopy.
E235 Howe-Russell BLDG.,
Geology and Geophysics
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Brown University
2007 - 2012
Department of Geological Sciences
Ph.D 2012 Geological Sciences
M.S. 2009 Geological Sciences
Cornell University
2003 - 2007
College of Engineering
B.S. Geological Sciences